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Narrative Text: Explanation & Examples

Explanation Example of Narrative Text Pinocchio Once upon a time, there was a woodcarver, called Geppetto who lived without a child. So he decided to make a puppet and named him ‘Pinocchio’. As he began to carve the wood, in surprise, Pinocchio laughed at him. When Geppetto was getting finished, the puppet kicked the old man and ran out of the door. As Pinocchio was running on the street, a policeman caught him but people said to the policeman that the puppet belongs to Geppetto. So the policeman arrested the old man instead of Pinocchio. Pinocchio had to remain alone at home and felt hungry so, he tried to cook an egg. As it put on a hot pan, a little chicken flew away. Then he sat by the fire. When Geppetto came to the house, the old man saw the puppet’s feet had burnt. Geppetto then made his new feet and some clothes to go to school like a real boy. Geppetto was so poor because he had to sell his coat for Pinocchio’s textbook. On the school way, Pinocchio heard some exciting music c

Recount Text - Exercise

  Yesterday my friends and I went to the party. We dressed our best and invited some friends too. But, in the middle of the way, we had a problem. We got stuck in a traffic jam. It really took a long time to wait. We were afraid to be late. However, we would still be able to have the party. We had so much fun there such as getting to know new friends, socializing, having a great talk, playing some mini-games, and listening to awesome songs. Read carefully each number, then choose the best answer based on the description above! 1. What is the social function/purpose of the text? a. to present information about something generally b. to inform or to entertain the audience c. to persuade the reader to come to the party d. to analyze the problem the writer had 2. What type of recount text is it? a. Imaginative recount b. Factual recount c. Personal recount d. All of them is correct 3. What happened to the writer when he got stuck in a traffic jam? a. waiting b. finding other transportation

Simple Past Tense Exercise

1. Complete the sentences with the SIMPLE PAST of the verbs in parentheses: a) They ____________________ (watch) TV last night. b) Priscila ____________________ (talk) to her friends all day. c) I ___________________ (have) a terrible headache yesterday. d) Bob _____________________ (come) home from school late. e) They ____________________ (arrive) late and ___________________ (miss) the bus. f) She ____________________ (study) hard and ___________________(pass) the exam. g) He ____________________ (call) the office to tell them he was sick. h) I ___________________ (speak) to the director as he was leaving the room. i) Dr. Johnson ______________________ (get up) early this morning. j) Mary _____________________ (do) her homework and ________________ (go) to school. k) Chris ____________________ (find) a ten-dollar bill. l) The dog ______________________ (follow) us down the road. m) Those students _____________________ (work) hard last semester. n) LĂșcio _

Chapter 7: Making An Appointment

What’s up, Guys! Kali ini kita akan mempelajari Making an Appointment dalam Bahasa Inggris. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita tidak bisa lepas dengan kegiatan seperti membuat janji untuk bertemu dengan seseorang. Nah, membuat sebuah perjanjian dalam Bahasa Inggris juga memiliki beberapa kalimat yang sering digunakan, salah satunya adalah appointment. Kuy, langsung aja kita simak bagaimana ungkapannya dalam bahasa inggris. A. Making an Appointment  Berikut ini adalah ungkapan umum yang hapir sering digunakan dalam making appointment. · Let's meet at... (Ayo bertemu di…)  · Can I meet...? (Bisakah aku bertemu...?)  · Would you like to do it today? (Maukah kamu melakukannya hari ini?)  · Are you free on Sunday? (Apakah kamu tidak ada acara di hari minggu?)  · Let’s meet in...? (Ayo bertemu di...?)  · Can we meet at...? (Bisakah kita bertemu di...?)  · How about tomorrow morning? (

Chapter 6: How to Describe Yourself in Job Interview? [Basic Knowledge]

Dalam wawancara, ada banyak sekali jenis pertanyaan yang muncul. Salah satunya yang berhubungan dengan "descriptive text" adalah describing yourself. “How would you describe yourself?” Pertanyaan di atas merupakan hal yang hampir sering dilontarkan dalam sebuah wawancara. Meskipun ini adalah sesuatu yang harus diantisipasi dan dipraktikkan, banyak pencari kerja yang mengabaikan pentingnya pertanyaan ini dan gagal meluangkan waktu untuk merumuskan jawaban yang benar. Selain itu, ketika mendeskripsikan diri kita sendiri, kita harus memilih jawaban dengan cara yang meyakinkan dan terus terang. Berikut contoh jawaban dari deskripsi diri dalam wawancara pekerjaan yang telah dilansir dari Indeed : I am passionate about my work. Example: “I am passionate about my work. Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best. In my last job, this passion led me to challenge myself daily and learn new skills that helped me to do better work. I am am

Chapter 5: How to Write Descriptive Text?

Sebelum melanjutkan untuk membaca artikel di bawah, baca dulu materi dasar dari Descriptive Text di sini .  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descriptive Text yang sudah dipelajari di bab sebelumnya telah membuka sudut pandang baru buat kalian tentunya. Mulai dari definisi, struktur umum, fitur bahasa dan contoh. Di pembahasan kali ini, kita akan belajar membuat teks deskriptif. Membuat kata demi kata, kalimat demi kalimat, paragraf demi paragraf.   A. Pilih Satu Subjek Sebagai pembelajar awal deskriptif teks, topik yang akan kamu pilih haruslah sederhana, yang kamu sangat sukai, dan tentunya yang membuat kamu bersemangat untuk menulisnya. Teks deskriptif biasanya akan berfokus pada satu peristiwa, seseorang, lokasi, atau hal-hal lain. Saat kamu menulis teks ini, tugas kamu adalah menyampaikan ide tentang topik tersebut melalui deskripsi. Kamu perlu menunjukkan kepada pembaca (bukan memberi ta

The Elements of Good Writing

Not everyone is a naturally gifted writer. Writing is a skill that can be practiced and master. In many ways, it is like driving a car. If you have ever driving in another country, you know that some of the rules of the road may be different. Just as the rules for driving differ from country to country. The conventions for writing may change from language to language. Writing in a different language involves more than mastering its vocabulary and grammar. Language, including written language, is a reflection of the thought patterns of native speakers. In order to write well in a different language, it is important to understand the way native speakers of organize their thoughts. That is why it rarely works to write something in your native language and then translated into English the words may be in English but the logic organization and thought patterns reflect those of your native language. To write effectively in English you must conform to the accepted patterns of organization pr

Chapter 4: Descriptive Text

  Descriptive text atau dalam istilah penulisan dikenal dengan “description” merupakan salah satu pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang harus dikuasai tidak hanya oleh siswa sekolah menengah pertama tetapi juga siswa sekolah menengah atas, mahasiswa dan siapa saja yang menyukai bahasa Inggris. Karena bagaimanapun, materi deskriptif sangat diperlukan untuk peningkatan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris kita. Beberapa penulis terkenal terutama penulis fiksi memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam menulis teks deskriptif sehingga tulisannya sangat mudah dibaca dan dipahami. Oleh karena itu, jika kita mampu menguasai pelajaran ini dengan baik, kita mungkin bisa menjadi penulis yang hebat di masa depan. Selanjutnya, penjelasan dan contoh teks deskriptif ini dapat membantu teman yang masih dalam perjalanan panjang untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Jangan sungkan untuk membaca penjelasan teks deskriptif di bawah ini, semakin sering kita membaca tentang teks ini kita akan semakin bisa memahaminya. Dan alangkah

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